
Im Meg. I created this blog to give other potential homebuyers a personal and up close look into my experience building a home with KB Home, particularly here in Central Texas. Its my intention to give credit where credit is due and to be a source for others. 

What you will find here on my blog is a daily account for all work done on my home, from the day I picked out my lot and signed the contract to closing. I go by the house every day. I see what is being done. I take pictures, many more than you will see here, and I make notes of things Im happy and unhappy with. I make sure to stay in contact with my construction superintendent, my salesman and my loan officers. If there is anything out of the norm, they hear from me. As expected, KB has been diligent about quickly resolving anything I've brought to their attention. I am very pleased with how my house is coming together.

When I first looked into building a home, many people warned me of KB Home's "reputation," if you will. Im a look-before-you-leap kind of gal. I've done my research before deciding to sign on, spending almost a quarter of a million dollars on my first home. Don't think I didn't read everything I could get my hands on before I decided to let KB Home build my house. And, I know there are plenty of websites that people have created trying to prove why they have had a bad experience. I've read them and, for them, I feel truly sorry they are having issues.

That said, I personally believe that their experience will not be mine for three reasons. One, I live in Texas, not Florida or California where earthquakes and sink holes occur on a too-close-for-comfort basis. The soil here is rocky and I have not read of many problems with home buyers in this area having troubles here. We don't have issues with moisture, like folks along the coast, as we're in a serious drought thanks to El NiƱo, so Im confident that the moisture barrier in my home will work as it's designed.

Two, KB Home's corporate officers are not out there building these homes. That work is contracted out to local businesses, construction companies, and the likes who construct the home you select to purchase. The guys building my home are not the same guys building the homes in Florida or California, thankfully. Im confident that the contractors KB Home has selected here in my area are competent, and from my experience, they work diligently and are generally very nice whenever I stop by.

Three, I have faith. God has given me many crosses to bear and along with them, he's seen to it that I have what I need to carry them. Through the course of building this house and blogging about it, I've been able to see Him give me signs that this is where He wants me. If you're familiar with the significance of forty day time periods in the bible, you'll be amazed at how that unfolds in the building of my home. Read all about that here.

If you want to start at the beginning, you'll have to jump back in time to Day 1, October 26, 2013. If you'd like to speed read, try this post's pictorial update of days 1-130.  I've tagged all of my posts so if there is something particular that you would like to jump to such as posts about flooring or paint, or whatever, feel free to browse all you want.

You can also subscribe to my blog via email and get alerts in your inbox as I write new posts. If you have any questions or want to leave some feedback, please feel free to leave a comment on any of my posts, or use the Contact tab at the top to send me a private email. I do require that you may not comment as "Anonymous" because if you take the time to read my blog and write your comments to me, it's only fair that I should have the opportunity to reply.

Final note: Let me make one thing absolutely clear, I am in no way being compensated by KB Home or anyone else. This blog is of my own creation and all rights within are mine and mine alone.

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