Today was a wonderful gift from God! Let me backup. Yesterday I received a text from my salesman, Chance, who advised he was having a super sale in the neighborhood I was considering and wanted to know if I was ready to go ahead. I needed to talk to my mortgage lender first, who ran my credit report and advised I could go ahead. After the long journey Ive been on to get to this point, I am over the moon!
After brunching with my mom and praying about it, I scheduled with Chance to go pick out a lot and sign the contract this evening. We looked at a few lots, talked about slope, measured, used orange cones for visual, and I finally decided on a nice corner lot on Ignacia Drive.
This is where our home will be built!
The lot size is 62' x 110'. The way the house will sit, the land slopes downward slightly towards the back, which means I wont have water standing at any time. My foundation will need to be built up a bit, but I don't mind. The thicker, the better! Right?! Since my house is also a two-story with a nice 10' bumpout on the backside, I'll have a bit of a view over the houses behind me that are built lower than me.
There will be a neighborhood-styled (and installed) fence on the outermost right side edge of our yard, running by the sidewalk, giving us a bit more space on the side of our house. I like that as it will give us a bit more side yard. Across the street is a light post. Im sure one day there will be a stop sign there, too.
Here is the lot looking straight on, as if we are standing in front of my house looking at it.
Below is the overall finished look of how the neighborhood is designed. My house is starred in the upper yellow section as shown. We will be the very first of 24 houses to be built on this street.
Enjoy the view today! In a couple of weeks, this will all be changing.