Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 12: Inside Preview

Its getting harder and harder to wait for that final call from underwriting saying we can go ahead with picking out all of the wonderful details that make a house a home. I feel like a kid at Christmas, counting the days down, waiting for that wonderful day to finally be here and getting everything your heart dreams of. I know it will happen, it's just a matter of having patience and enjoying this joyful time in the meantime.

It's rainy today and pictures are all looking the same, so I thought I would share with you a few bits of the inside of the house. This obviously isn't my house, it's the model, but its the house I fell in love with. Im going to be choosing a few different design features but overall you can get the idea of what most of our home will look like.

This is the entry:

Here is looking from the entry towards the back:

Looking back thru the dining to the office and entry:

Family room, dining and office again:

Kitchen and breakfast:

Upstairs, great room:


Master sitting:

Back of the house:

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