Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 99: Beginning of Week 15

Today the girls and I decided to walk through a couple of the neighbor's houses to see what all they look like. The first had just gotten it's drywall textured and so we didn't want to stay in there very long and only went through the first floor. It had smaller bedrooms, a corner fireplace, sliding doors and a open galley-style kitchen. Abilene noted it had a small patio, lol. The second house was Mike and Ester's house. It's the same floorplan as ours with a different elevation (C). They opted for the low walls instead of the wrought iron railing, 2nd bath drop-in liner instead of porcelain with tile surround, center fireplace with media niches on either side and the small back patio. It'll be fun to walk through both of these homes again in a few weeks when the pretty stuff gets installed--flooring, cabinets, and counters!
Here's our house today:
We noticed our garage now has this steel criss-cross support:
Here's the tag from our brick. It's Urbana Antique by Ladrillera Mecanizada (sold by Claymex):
 These are our neighbors across Grand Junction. We went inside the first house (bricked) and the last one (Mike and Esther's).
 These are the houses that are just beginning to build (and just to the left of the ones above, note the port-o-potty for orientation). There are 4 lots here: one house being almost finished being built, one in the black plastic/pipes stage, another with just dirt and one empty lot with currently two piles of dirt.

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