Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 137: Peace

Yesterday was hard. With the last week's stress of lamenting over the granite, and making a new choice so quickly yesterday, I have to say that Im mentally exhausted. I did spend last night staring a the lousy pictures I took of the Eco countertops. I do adore it and am eager to see how it looks in my new kitchen. I know it will work well with my kids and all of the wonderful things we intend on using that huge island for. I can breathe easy knowing that they cant stain it. It doesn't have to be sealed or use any special cleaners on it, which will be easier for me, too. So, overall, I think this whole thing happened for a reason and is working out for the best.

Jennifer called this morning to check and make sure I was happy with the new selections I had made yesterday. I could honestly tell her I was. And am!

This morning I headed over to the house to select where Id like my new trees to be placed. With a blank slate of a yard, tree placement is important as they will eventually give me shade, if I place them in key spots. However, because of the direction my house faces (west-southwest), mostly my neighbors trees will shade my house in the afternoon. My trees will at least help shade my front sideyard. However my beautiful house will give my whole backyard its afternoon shade, which will be incredibly nice in the summertime.

While I was placing bricks where Id' like the trees to be, I found a heart-shaped rock in the dirt.

And last piece of granite was being wheeled out and put onto Summit's truck. Goodbye granite!

Believe it or not, after reading about my new countertops, Eco by Cosentino, Ive learned about how granite can expel radon, an invisible odorless gas which is a Class A carcinogen and a cause of lung cancer. Remember when I said perhaps God knows best? I sure don't need anything like that around my daughter who has asthma. The Eco tops will be much healthier for her and all of us. 

Also, there was a worker there working on the leak in the master bath/kids bathtub area.

When I picked the kids up and stopped by the house today, we noticed white stuff on the floor, so we didn't walk around or look at much. I would take a guess that its in preparation for the wood flooring. I cant wait to see that! In all of the houses Ive ever rented, none of them have ever had anything other than vinyl linoleum and carpet. It will be a wonderful change to have a earthy element in my new home.

I did notice that our nook lower cabinets were installed. Uppers were still not there. Upstairs, in the master bathroom, the leak has been repaired and the wall put back into place. Also, the entry hole to get into the attic now has a cover.

My littlest, who has the best eyes in the family, noticed on our way out that the shingles are finally complete (above the front patio). The house from the front now looks almost finished.

What a good lookin' house!

Last, on our way out of the neighborhood, we met a new neighbor, David, who is building down the street towards the pool. He was checking out his lot. I remember those days! He'll be where we are in no time.

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