Monday, March 17, 2014

Four Forty-Day Periods

I heard from both Chance and Raymond on Friday and they both said that my new countertops should be going in on the 26th of March (week 21) and that my closing date is projected for Friday, April 4th. I couldn't be happier if that's the closing date because that will be Day 161 in this journey, marking the very end of four full 40-day periods.

Forty days is a significant time period in the bible and its made its presence in the building of my house, too. Not surprising, a time period of 40 (days, weeks, years) is significant in that each is related to a time of testing, probation or being tried either by lesson, virtue or punishment. Also notice each period ends with a time or item of blessing.

Perhaps you caught my posts on Day 41, 81 and 121, all the days after a 40-day period had ended, and a new one beginning. Each part was a whole process in the building of my house. Each period led to something greater, the blessing, if you will.

For the first forty days, all I saw when I drove by my homesite was land, an empty field with a sold sign. During that time, my mortgage loan officer and everyone who works on that side was getting my paperwork in line for final approval. The anticipation was building each day.

Then, the on Day 41 (the beginning of the 2nd forty days), the framework for the slab began. We watched it go from a wood frame to having piles of dirt, pipes installed, sections made and post tensioning rods put in place. Each day was only a little different from the one before. That same 40-day period ended with my slab being poured on Day 81.

With the 3rd forty days, my house started going up-- being framed, the walls insulated and sheet-rocked, siding and roofing was in place, and basically the exterior was all complete. Every day brought something new to see and explore.

Now we're in the 4th forty days, and the fence and yard were installed and the interior is being finished. Everyday is a joy to go by the house and see what's new, and even if nothing is new, it's exciting just being at the house. If only for 5-10 minutes, it's a happy end to the day. It's starting to feel like ours. The girls cant wait to move in and have their first sleepover, they are so proud of their new home and cant wait for their friends to see. As a single mother, it makes me so very happy that I could give this to them to experience. Who knows, perhaps one day they, too, will build a house and share that experience with their own children.

So for Day 161 -- the beginning of the next forty days -- to be my closing date, I would be thrilled! Because in that 40 days, I will officially be a first-time homeowner and will get to move in!

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